Hotel Casanova

"There was a big noise. Carla and the hotel boat went down into the dirty waters of the Grand Canal."

I like this book. This is about Dino. He works at hotel. And he met a woman and fell in love with him. However, she was not nice lady. She is really rich and she had done many things for Dino. But Dino had not loved her any more because she had been so selfish. Dino finally got happiness with another lady.
Dino has a plan for his whole life and he always follows it but he ignored it when he got married Carla. I wondered if he followed the plan, he would not get wrong. I think it is important to have a life plan but it is hard to keep following it. I want to know whether I should it or I should have daily lives flexibly. However, I also think mistake is commonly associated with whole life. I felt I would like to have various experience and make an effort for success.

